A Fighting Fantasy gamebooks fan site

The RPG Hits from rpgmaker

intro image

Now Playing:

3-12 Center of the Galaxy

RMN Music Pack is a collection of videogame music composed by members of http://www.rpgmaker.net for anyone and 
everyone to use in their non-commercial videogame projects. RMN Music Pack was created in three-months timeframe 
as an event organized by 800 M.P.H. and NewBlack with assistance of Kenton Anderson. 

You can find the full list of submissions at http://rpgmaker.net/events/rmn_music_pack

Special thanks to everyone partaking the event, http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/, Clyve, Liberty, Archeia and Jonnie19

And all the attending artists: Jasprelao, Jeremiah "McTricky" George, Jude, Gamesfreak13563, Tarranon, Cornflake, 
Xcalnarok, Lana42, Kunsel, Subaru, NathanGDay, Snowy Fox, ReclaimedGlory, Apoc, hyde9318 and 800 M.P.H.

Album cover artwork has been made by http://yaichino.deviantart.com/ and CD artwork by http://23hauntsme.deviantart.com/

RMN Music Pack is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

If you use our music in your projects, please credit the artists!
